I knew something was going on when I began seeing huge quantities of dusty AppleWorks boxes on the shelves of not only my local AppleStores (here in S. Florida, we have five or six to choose from), but even at the new store-within-a-store displays at my local BestBuy.
Apple quietly made the announcement this past week (see the story on MacNN at http://www.macnn.com/articles/07/08/15/appleworks.discontinued/) that the venerable product with roots going back to the Apple II, was going the way of Claris Works, Emailer, HyperCard, and other Apple software products.
Now that iWork includes a spreadsheet module, apparently there was no need to keep AppleWorks around anymore.
I for one will miss it. It was a great little product to quickly throw together a letter or a simple spreadsheet.
Apple hasn’t really supported it in years, save for ensuring compatibility with all versions of OS X.
Hats off, please…
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