I haven’t been doing a lot of writing lately, for a lot of reasons. Getting ready for an electrical contractor to come in and do some serious re-wiring in my apartment (Landlord’s idea, not mine) is one little problem, but I expect that to go smoothly. (I hope.) The usual, end-of-summer doldrums, I suppose. I never really realize that another summer is truly done until Labor day is over. But I digress. Here is what is really on my mind:
Has the whole country gone insane?
No really, our culture, our values, seem to be going totally nuts. Some days, I think I’m in some kind of alternate universe, ah-la Star Trek. The latest example: If you read the news at all, then you know that a young woman by the name of Kyla Ebbert was recently escorted off of a Southwest Airlines plane, and told that she would not be able to fly because her outfit was too skimpy. If you have read this story, then you’ve surely seen the photographs and video of Ms. Ebbert. And if you’ve done this, and you’re like most sane, logical people you have asked yourself, ‘œwhat is wrong with her outfit?’
Okay, I’m a guy, with the normal (I think) amount of male hormones and thoughts. I like a pretty woman in a short skirt, and I see absolutely nothing wrong or improper with the outfit Ms. Ebbert was wearing. But apparently, Southwest Airlines did. The flight attendant who escorted her from the plane told her that Southwest is a ‘œfamily airline’. Uh huh. You know what I think happened? I think that some envious wife/girlfriend caught her husband/significant other sneaking a peek at Ms. Ebbert’s legs, and got cheesed off, that’s what I think. Then she made a big stink to the flight attendants. Anyone agree with this theory?
I say, let beautiful women in mini skirts on the plane! Here is who should be escorted off.
– Noisy, screechy, bratty kids, and their parents. No debate, no discussion, no ‘œinside voice’, and for the love of god, no discussing their feelings!
– Noisy, arrogant drunks. You are on a commercial aircraft. You are in public. You are not in the frat house.
– Cell phone yakkers. Okay, so you need to make one or two calls. I’m cool with that, but keep it discreet. You start broadcasting your conversation throughout the plane, and it’s the ejection seat for you.
– People who have obviously (Ugh!) not taken a shower for awhile. You know who you are.
Ms. Ebbert was permitted to fly, after she adjusted her outfit, and covered her well-toned legs with a blanket. But she was embarrassed, and humiliated for the entire flight. I understand she is now contemplating a lawsuit. She should. I’ll bet at least one person from my little list above was on that flight, and permitted to fly on the ‘œfamily airline’, with no problem.
Final question on this: If a George Clooney look-a-like had boarded that flight, and he had been wearing a muscle tank top and skin tight jeans, think he would have been told that his outfit was too skimpy?
Now for some random thoughts,,,,
According the the calendar, Summer officially ends on September 21st. Of course, this is open to interpretation. In some parts of the country, Summer never really ends. I guess San Diego would be one such place. Seasoned New Englanders know that Summer ends on Labor Day, and that’s all there is to it. Oh sure, we get some warm days here and there, and that’s a good thing. But next week? It just could snow. Folks living in northern Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine usually get their snow shovels out the week after Labor day, because you just never know.
Darkness comes quickly now, and my evening bike rides are somewhat curtailed. No problem, I’ve got a pretty good headlight, and besides, sometimes you see interesting things in the dark. But there is no doubt that another summer has come and gone. Gone are the bright mornings, when I have no problems getting up at 5:30. Gone are the evenings when daylight lasts until 9 PM. I know, I whine about this every year, it seems. Such is life. Onward to Summer, ‘˜08!
Someone truly needs to tell Britney one more time, ‘œIt’s over. Now disappear. and go count your money’. Of course, there is always the possibility that the cynics and conspiracy theorists are right, and her poor performance on the latest MTV video music awards show was all planned. Hey, it got people talking, right? And didn’t someone once say that there is no such thing as bad publicity.
I’m sure Gordon Ramsay is one heck of a chef, but I’ll bet he doesn’t know how to make a real, New England clam chowder. (Hell’s Kitchen is my one ‘œTV guilty pleasure’)
Youtube is one great invention, isn’t it? OK, so there is a lot of garbage posted there, but there is come cool stuff as well. Heh, gotta love those old clips of ‘œThe Time Tunnel’, which I had not seen for forty years.
Does anyone know what the deal is, with high school males in the wealthy white suburbs making those ‘œgang signs’ with their hands at each other? No really, I am curious as to just how this works.
Over the summer, I became hooked on ‘œJericho’. Anyone know if it’s coming back with new episodes? I still have a problem with the neighbor-helping-neighbor bit. I just don’t think it would happen. Then again, I could be wrong.
The next Star Trek movie had better be good. But if not, I can always enjoy the re-mastered episodes of the original series.
Ever watch ‘œVanishing Point’? This gem of a guy’s movie was released in ‘˜72, and has got to be one of the best of the chase movies ever made. I’ve checked it out of Netflix twice. Might as well buy my own copy.
Ditto for ‘œPhantasm’. It’s amazing what some talented people can do with such a small budget. to this day, people still talk about ‘œthat creepy guy, and those sphere things’.
If you dig horror movies, check it out. (But then again, I like ‘œThe Brain From Planet Arous’. Hoo-Hah!)
That’s about all that’s on my mind tonight.
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