A little commentary

For a time I ran an owned sealclubbing.com. Now it’s a completely different site which I have nothing to do with, no big loss. The odd thing was that I got a constant stream of hate mail from people who took the old sealclubbing site seriously. I was always amazed that that a site that was so obviously humor would be taken seriously. I even got an e-mail from the daily show on comedy central.

So I should’ve known better when Applematters published this article. It’s a gag right? yes it is. But comments included stuff like “it’s an ugly computer” and “I think AppleMatters got this one wrong” ah, read them yourself. All I can say is: Good Gravy, are people really that dense? If so shouldn’t a black hole be floating above their heads? Humor is wasted on some folks.

Sent an article into Tim for publication with much trepidation, it’s a little contentious and I really don’t enjoy the confrontational stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the variety of views but invariably someone wil denigrate me as a person because I have an opinion different from theirs. I suppose that’s par for the course.

At this point I’d love to give you a Bailey section. You know a big list of links to have fun with BUT Bailey sent me an e-mail promising legal action if I ever used the name Bailey again. So I can’t use Bailey and, hence, I’ve got no title for


Everyone should be doing the Lynndie Trust me this technique will help your photo composition,

Computer Music Garageband is safe.

Requisite killer clown link:

I haven’t watched the movie but I understand a clown kills people, nice.

Litebrite It’s just as fun as you remember it.

And just because I find the accusations against Kerry annoying:
GWB war medals
Swift boat veterans for the truth should note that they never saw a flyover by George Bush

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