A drug that works

I usually go out of my way to avoid the television commercials. No one likes them, they are annoying and usually poorly written. But then, a few weeks ago, I saw one of those drug company commercials where they ask “do you suffer from…” as many of them do. This one was about Acid Reflux. Some of the symptoms they describe actually sounded much like what I had been experiencing often over the last few years.

I imagine changing my diet would be the best course of action. You see, I have been suffering from chronic heartburn for a few years now, but over the last two or three months, it seemed to be getting worse. I am managing, but just barely. I would go out of my way to eat different foods, drink something else, etc. Nothing seemed to work. It kept happening, usually flaring up either first thing in the morning or right before I went to bed.

So I see this commercial for Prilosec OTC, and decide to give it a try. Then I spot it in the store, and see that it is a pill you take once a day. And a two week supply costs twenty-five bucks! Ha! I don’t think so!

Another week goes by, and a few acute heartburn attacks happen. So what the heck, right? May as well give it a try. Plus, another store had them on sale, so I pick up a two week supply.

It has been a month now, and I have not had ONE problem with heartburn. Even, god forbid, I eat something I KNOW would usually warrant an antacid pill in the past. This stuff works, and I have seen no side effects at all. Well, other than growing a few pounds of hair on my feet, and seeing my ears enlarge. And shrinking by three feet. But I always enjoyed the Hobbit look anyway.

So this stuff works. Yeah, perhaps changing my diet would work even better, and living a less stressful life as well. But since I am too lazy for one, and clueless how to do the other, this is a good solution for now.

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