Steam for the Mac

This is short and not so sweet.

The Mac-centric press has been all over the fact that Steam is now available for the Mac.


I am a casual gamer. Maybe once a week I’ll play a decahand of Klondike. Chuzzle is good for a half hour or so. Cowy the Minesweeper is only fun if you’re trying to beat your high score.

So let’s download Steam. OK. That’s done. Now download a game.

Seven Gigabytes! You gotta be freakin’ kidding me!

How bout America’s Army. I hear that has real targets — no orcs or elves anywhere in sight.

Downloaded. Play.

Sorry. This is not yet playable on the Mac.

Dang! I shoulda read it closer.


Portal’s free. Let’s try that.



Sorry, your graphics card isn’t up to the challenge.

WHAT??!!! The graphics card in a Mac Pro can’t handle it?

Delete Portal.

Delete Steam.


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