Before I sat down to make this post, I read the article Tim referenced about installing Mac Minis IN YOUR CAR, and I can hardly think straight now. It can’t be a coincidence that Apple made the thing small enough to fit in a car stereo mount.
I like the Mac mini. I was about to buy a $250 processor upgrade for the ole B&W G3 and a $130 80 GB external hard drive, but now I’m not so sure. The mini comes with a drive that big and a faster processor than I was going to buy! I’m thinking someone is trying to tell me something here. On the other hand, processor upgrades are about to experience a discounting frenzy, I’ll bet. And then they won’t make any more of them …
But here we are for now. Those of you wondering what the red and black raven is doing in the sidebar should check this out:
[GRACK!] Bold Relief
I must have stared a whole minute in disbelief: my tire, my beautiful, indestructible, six-ply truck tire, lay peeled open like a banana. I careened all over the Navajo Nation on those tires. I banged over the mountain to Ocate where only madmen drive. I cruised all the way to Iowa and back on that rubber. I’d been driving for almost two years on the damn things and the tread looked brand new. But there it was, barely hanging onto the rim. Like the time back in Austin when I looked out the window to see a woman collapse and die in the yard next door, I waited for the movie to be over, but the credits never rolled.
Latest column always here:
http://www.jhfarr.com/grack/index.htmlThis column archived at:
No, it’s not about Macs. I don’t do that any more. After six years writing five articles a day about Apple Computer for Applelinks.com (are they still around? :-), I had to write about what I felt. But I’m with the program, by God. I freaking LOVE THESE MACHINES. And when I get rich enough, I’ll have a new one to play with. There’s even one available now for just $20 more than the processor upgrade and hard drive I was going to buy. It can’t be this easy, or can it?
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