Journey to the Land of Giants, Part One

Dear MyMac readers:

Today’s FotoFeed
John H. Farr, FarrFeed, Taos, New Mexico
(Click for 500×375 pixels)

First, I’m adding a new feature to these blog posts, namely a thumbnail link to my daily New Mexico photo site. You can click backwards from the first page to see HUNDREDS of images, so go crazy.

Second, I have a new GRACK! to tell you about. This one’s a doozy and comes in two parts. As you can see from reading the following, my life has been rather more filled with survival-related issues than what kind of software to use. But on to the good stuff, and don’t forget to check back THIS WEDNESDAY, April 28, when I’ll be posting Part Two of the following:

[GRACK!] Journey to the Land of Giants, Part One

“Alone and freezing at 8,000 feet in the Chuska Mountains of the Navajo Nation, I wondered if I’d live to see the dawn. I was happier yet more frightened than I’d ever been. High on freedom and letting go, I’d allowed myself to be led, one step at a time, to an isolated spot where no one else might come for weeks. It was getting dark and much too cold, and no one knew where I was. As I shivered and contemplated the very real possibility of dying from exposure, snow began to fall. Even with the shelter of my pickup cap, my lightweight clothing was a fool’s response to what the gods might have in store..””

Current column always here:

This column archived at: | FarrFeed | FotoFeed | |

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