Live Radio Today!

Live Radio Today!

ktao.jpgJust click on the image to get to the KTAO-FM Web site and access the live Internet stream for “Spotlight on New Mexico” featuring John H. Farr from 4:00-4:30 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time today (Sunday, April 4th).

I’ll be talking about whatever comes up, anything from the legendary (?) Zoo Pilots band from the 1980s (free MP3 downloads here) to my latest column for Horse Fly, and I’ll surely read a GRACK! or two. It’s always spontaneous in the crazy little studio on Blueberry Hill Road. Maybe I’ll wear my new binaural Record-o-Hat and turn the tables on my hosts.

And yes, KTAO-FM is the world’s most powerful solar-powered radio station: the mountain-top transmitter is run entirely on free electricity from the sun. Info and pictures here.

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