Yes, it’s Monday again, so here you are. But there’s more: I’ve just acquired the means to produce audio recordings for download, and is going to get first crack at them!
(Tim? Oh, Ti-im …)
Grace, not guile …
[GRACK!] Art of the Complicated
“I had never seen a wind so strong, and it was all I could do to keep from screaming in sheer terror. In an instant I was drenched and taking water with every wave that slammed against the side. The boat was managing all right at least, sailing raggedly close to the wind and sliding sideways, a few degrees off the gale blowing roughly perpendicular to the cove I’d just departed. The problem was, unless I quickly reversed my course, I’d never make it back to where I’d started.”
Current column always here: column archived at:
And don’t forget this photo-essay on one of my favorite places. Enjoy!
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