(Boy, am I glad I don’t have to judge the Loops Contest!
As I sent to people on my newslist (are you on it?) late last night, “It’s 5:09 a.m. — Do You Know Where Your GRACK! Is?” And I wasn’t kidding about the time. Pulling the covers up around my chin took another 40 minutes but I made it. A little over four hours later, here I am, fit as a fiddle that’s been dragged behind a 4WD up Wheeler Peak.
Without further ado then, what follows is the official blurb that went out on the wires. This will give you absolutely no idea of what the column’s all about, but it’s the funniest paragraph to quote:
[GRACK!] Raven Love
“I looked around some more. Good thing I’d bought my snow shovel back in August: sacks of compost and fertilizer filled the space where useful implements had stood. Plastic trikes and fishing rods replaced the heavy boots and windshield scrapers. Heaping mounds of dogfood bags instead of black oil sunflower seeds — what, do beagles fly in like the birds, German Shepherds in giant twilight V-formations hauling ass from Paraguay? At last I found a dusty plastic bag of mostly millet. The chickadees would bitch, but I knew Jesus would provide. (There was always something else to nibble in the brush …)”
Current column always here:
http://www.jhfarr.com/grack/index.htmlThis column archived at:
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