DiskTracker 1.0.2

DiskTracker 1.0.2

Shareware: $20.00

Mark Pirri’s DiskTracker 1.0.2 is a great shareware product. In fact, I will go so far as to say that if more shareware was up to the quality that DiskTracker 1.0.2 is at, then many more people would pay their shareware due’s. (You know who you are!)

DiskTracker 1.0.2 is a disk management utility. Need to find a program but forgot what disk you have it on? DiskTracker will find it for you. Fast. And fast is the key word here. Up until I found and downloaded DiskTracker, I had been using Catfinder. While Catfinder was just fine for a while, I did notice that it was taking forever and a day to search its records for the software I wanted. Was it because I have such a huge disk collection? Or was it a flaw in the program itself? Either way, Catfinder just wasn’t making the grade anymore.

Enter DiskTracker 1.0.2! After downloading it, I went about and cataloged twenty disks to try it out. (Hey, if it was a dog, there was no way was I going to load all my disks in!). A nice feature is that DiskTracker will also catalog your CD Roms, Zip drives, and most other removable media. (It will also catalog your internal or external hard drive as well.) So after loading the twenty disks, I tested it out. It was so fast finding what I wanted, that I decided to load up all my disks and try it again. Same results! Very fast search and report speeds.

A day later, I used it to again search for a file, and it was then that I noticed something I did not like. When you have such a huge library of disks, and keep them all on one record, it takes a while for DiskTracker to load that record and organize it. My solution to this was to create five different catalogs. (One for CD Roms, one for 100 floppies, etc…) This proved to be wise. Much faster loading after that!

DiskTracker 1.0.2 goes beyond simply searching your disk collection, however. Mr. Pirri also gave it the utility of creating disk labels. (In Avery 2186, 5164, and 5196 format, plus a custom set that you can change to your needs.) Disk labeling also has some features I was not expecting from a $20.00 shareware product. You can print in any font in your collection, in any style, size, pattern, and color!

Is DiskTracker 1.0.2 worth downloading? Yes! Is it worth the $20.00 shareware fee? You bet, and more! I cannot recommend this product enough! DiskTracker 1.0.2 should be used by anyone owning a large collection of disks! You can write to Mr. Pirri at TheVortex@kagi.com, or visit the DiskTracker home page at http://web.mit.edu/mnp/www/dt.html. (Um, Mark? You may want to shorten that HTML address some!;-)

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