5 Quick Smart Mail Boxes

To create a Smart Mail Boxes, simply open up Mail, click on Mailbox>New Smart Mail Box..in the drop down menu. Add the rules for what you want to collect in that Smart Mail Box. Each of the of suggested Smart Mail Boxes comes with suggested rules that you can try.

Unread Messages: This one simply collects all your unread messages. You have to deselect box and select it again, though, in order for it to update.

Attachments: This is one is great because it collects all your emails that contain attachments. It’s useful for going back and deleting old emails with attachments so that you’re Mail is not so stuffed with old documents.

Online Receipts: Collects online receipts.

Flagged Messages: Collects all the messages you flag. Really useful but make sure you clean it out from time to time.

Specific Company or Person: This one collects emails from a specific company, organization, or person that you set up rules for. You can easily create this Smart Mail Box for any sender by Control/Right clicking on a sender’s email address in the email they send you. Select Create Smart Mail Box from the drop down menu and make sure the rule From>Contains>(specified address) is a part of the rule. If the sender has more than one email address, you can add it also at this time or later Right click on the Smart Mail box, select Edit Smart Mail Box and add additional addresses from the same sender.

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