4th Pebble From the Galactic Fireball

Here we go again…throw some more scat into the election year cauldron…. Dubya is looking to bust out hardcore Kennedy-style into the “infinite & beyond” (or whatever that cartoon guy says) ‘“ and hurl a few human encased probes at Mars now. Indeed, the public need for all thing Mars was certainly sparked with the fun & enchanting 3-d images received from the most recent visit only a few weeks back.

Well here goes a few more BILLION dollars to commit to some grandiose astral cause while the very land beneath our feet is tainted and dying. Dubya could use that seed money to aid the environment (as it decays before our eyes) but he’ll just propose a few more environmental “rollbacks” and attempt to log National Forests and find loopholes in dismantling the Clean Water Acts or something else.

Naaaah, why bother to heal the earth? Dubs can just terraform Mars, grow a pristine terrestrial environment there and cap it off by invoking some half-assed vision of Manifest Destiny and start building strip malls and parking lots across the whole red planet for generations of Bush descendants to rule over…..

Whoaaa…. this is turning into some evil rant, which it’s not supposed to be….Yes, it IS about Mars, good god I wanted to be the first man on Mars & all when I was in fifth grade -it’s not that such a goal is fruitless, but now is not the time in human history for such things. Our technological development has been in hyperdrive for well over a century now. Humankind has moved so fast that it is ill prepared to deal with the repercussions of its own zeal, and there are PLENTY of demons to deal with. Instead of pushing so hard to define ourselves as a great nation that is determined to conquer space, let’s stop taking giant steps so quickly and deem it best to conquer our human foibles first.

best observed to the tune of Eddie Grant’s “Electric Avenue”

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