Finally Neil Worton – MyMac Podcast #406

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Guy corners Neil Worton and gets him on the show which is doubly good because Gaz is on vacation and no one wants to hear Guy do a solo show. Turns out Neil has a lot to say about getting documents and other kinds of content off your Mac and on to your iOS devices with Goodreader and who woulda thunk it but Amazon has a free way to do it (sort of, but in that clunky corporate way) too. They also talk about setting up an Apple Airport Extreme or Time Capsule for some of these apps or remote access. Fun stuff and make sure you listen through to the very end for some real Diamond in the rough stuff.

Some Links
Goodreader for iOS from Good.i.Ware LTD
GoodreaderUSB for Windows Download link
Goodreader for Mac Download link
Amazon’s Send to Kindle App for the Mac
Guy’s App Pick: Air Attack by Art in Games on the Mac App Store .99
Neil’s Pick: SkySafari Plus by Southern Stars $14.99

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