As Tim the Toolman Taylor would say…”ungh ungh ungh”.
I’m not a very acquisitive person, but I do have a few material things I enjoy.
My computer, of course, still the Graphite iBook, running like a top. OS 9 of course, I’m a wussy.
The bed I bought right before my husband moved here from England. I spent an unholy bundle on it, after years of sleeping on a mattress on the floor, then a waterbed on the floor. It’s a king size and the mattress is 12″ thick. (Well, my husband said it must be at least 12″, but it might be 8″, you know women and estimating size….)
Then there is the new acquisition, the gas grill, the Birthday Present (which I..ahem..orchestrated. Why be 51 if you can’t tell people what you really want?) When I first bought this house I had a little charcoal Weber grill. Then my friends from Las Vegas Linda and Pennie gave me one of those little camp stoves that run off propane bottles. I made do with that for a couple of years. But the new gas grill…oh, mama!
A 40,000 BTU Fiesta Advanta propane gas grill.
The family came Sunday for my Birthday dinner. (Yeah, I cooked. It was MY birthday dinner. Why have a birthday dinner if you can’t get what you want?) I was able to cook nine turkey chunks, eight burgers and eight hot dogs all at once. (ungh, ungh, ungh!) ((Thank you Dr. Atkins!))
My big dog Oreo, who is almost 14 and her hind legs give out more often then she is able to stand on them, has figured out that the fat drips down from the grill onto the concrete. She may have more life in her yet, now that she knows! She cruises the patio while I cook. (Go, Oreo!)
Oh, and I splurged on the heavy duty vinyl cover.
Oh yeah, another birthday surprise. My husband, who is…well…let’s just be polite and call him frugal, anyhow, while we were in town on Saturday to pick out the grill, he asked me to stop by the Kitchen store at the Factory Outlets and he went in and bought me an electric knife sharpener! (Some women dream of diamonds, me, I dream of office supplies and kitchen utensils! hahaha)
That’s all the news that’s fit to print. Tonight’s pork chops were done to perfection, On the Gas Grill! (ungh, ungh, ungh!) Birthday is over, but enjoying it ain’t. Feel free to stop by anytime, I’ll throw a little sumthin’ on the grill.
(Christ, give a mature woman a gas grill and she starts talking like she’s from the south. *sigh* oh well, worse things have happened!)
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