4-Bit Binary Watch
Nemo Memo

4-Bit Binary Watch
Price: $90

My L.L.Bean Titanium Field Watch died after ten years. I was upset. I loved that watch. It was very light weight and low profile. It was discontinued and is not available, forever.

I ordered and returned three different L.L.Bean replacement watches. They were all too massive for my slim wrist.

My thirty-year old Mickey Mouse watch worked with a replacement battery, but the rear piece didn’t snap on fully, due to decades of gradual moisture infiltration. My local watch repair expert glued the back in place with Super Glue that held for two weeks. Now Mickey is in pieces, also forever. [Cue song: “I Fall To Pieces.”]

I purchased a $50 Timex Expedition Indiglo WR 50M watch at REI here in Tucson. It works great, but it is a little bit heavy for all-day wearing, and its second hand clicks loudly. I use it for work, because it has the date of the month

Cadence sent MyMac their 4-Bit Binary Watch for review. It is attractive and stylish, with a quieter second hand click. I was concerned at first that it is too large, because it looks bigger than my other watches, living and dead. I was wrong. I can wear this unusual watch for hours without knowing it is on my wrist.

The Cadence watch has a large face with binary number equivalents that will boost your geek style. The leather band is wide, but comfortable. The company’s web site image gallery has splendid roll-over and animated enlargements, so examine it closely, including the “jewelry grade stainless steel” and “saphire coated quartz glass.”

I wore the 4-Bit Binary Watch hiking today, then to a bustling bakery. No one admired it. That’s their loss. I know I was on time, stylishly geeky, and “water resistant to 3ATM.”

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