3M Privacy Filter for 13″ Macbook Pro – Review

Product: 3M Privacy Filter for 13″ Macbook Pro
Company: 3M
Price: $64.65

Have you ever felt as if someone is trying to sneak a peak at what you are doing on your computer? The problem has been fixed with 3M’s latest product, the Privacy Screen, for a variety of laptops and monitors. With a Privacy Screen you are able to type up a important document or search the web without anyone knowing what you are doing but the viewer sitting in front of the screen. 3M has managed to make a simple and easy to use filter for all types of displays.

When you receive the 3M privacy filter it comes in a thin and basic cardboard box with a plastic file folder for storage, plus the privacy filter, adhesive, and also instructions with big pictures. Applying the filter was easy. All I had to do was follow the pictures on the instructions and the filter went on as if it were custom made for a MacBook Pro screen. It is very precise and fits from edge to edge covering the entire glass section, while leaving a cut out hole for your built in iSight camera.

I received a 13″ model of a privacy screen for my MacBook Pro. So far I have loved the filter. When first affixing it onto the display with full brightness set on my MacBook Pro, it tends to dim the screen about five percent of its original brightness due to the way the screen performs its magic of hiding your personal business. After about a week I couldn’t notice a difference in my brightness, which is great.

I always feel someone is watching over me when I am searching the web and now I feel more secure about viewing web pages and typing documents without being spied upon. And also, if you have ever wanted a privacy screen for your phone, 3M screens work just as well if not better.

MyMac Review Rating is 9 out of 10. 

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