Flash is Dead Jim – MyMac Podcast #375

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Just as most reasonable people believed, Adobe has given up on Mobile Flash and naturally blames Apple instead of it being because it sucked. Guy gives iTunes Match a go but Gaz can’t yet (however he has an iPhone 4S and Guy doesn’t so Guy is sad). It may seem sacrilegious, but you CAN sync Android devices to your Mac, Apple becomes a top 5 vendor in Europe, and why we’d prefer a side order of Google.

Some links:
Mars need WOMEN!
Apple coming in at number 5!
Seamonkey FREE!
W.E.L.D.E.R. by Ayopa Games  $1.99

Contact info: Drop us a line and let us know you want to be on the show. Gaz and Guy on Twitter, guy@mymac.com and gaz@mymac.com, or our Skype direct number 703-436-9501. Also go into iTunes and leave some feedback. Also don’t forget our FaceBook Page!

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