Here, There, and Everywhere – MyMac Podcast #355

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Gaz and Guy are ALL over the map tonight (well more so than usual). Guy had an interview with Allison Sheridan over at the Nosilla Podcast at and Gaz did a video review over at the Tech Lounge. Guy’s Brother Bill comes on to talk about how he self-published his book called Stealing Ali. It started with Paper and pen, and finished on a Mac! Talk about a long strange trip. Apple releases Final Cut Pro X, Motion, and Compressor for simply ridiculous prices! Lastly some analyst writes a 49 page document saying the iPad will RULE FOREVER! Um…what?

App Picks:
Modern Combat Domination by GameLoft ($12.99)
Flare by the Iconfactory (9.99)

Contact info: Drop us a line and let us know you want to be on the show. Gaz and Guy on Twitter, and, or our Skype direct number 703-436-9501. Also go into iTunes and leave some feedback.

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