MyMac Podcast 789: Roll your Own

Gaz is away but Guy has a special first time guest Mike Edm (not his actual last name…kinda hard to explain, just go with it)! Apple makes a myriad number of computers. Both desktop and laptops of various shapes, sizes, and options. But what do you do if none of them fit exactly what you want or need?

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Guy’s Pick: OBS or Open Broadcasting Software ( Free!

Gaz’s Pick:

Mike’s Pick: He likes macOS

Contact Info:, MacParrot on TwitterGaz@mymac.comGazMaz on Twitter/ GuyandGaz on Twitter/

Mike Edm contact info: Facebook is @myzenrepair

Skype +1 Area code  703-436-9501 (Pssst! Calling from the Skype app? Just dial it without the 1 at the beginning!)

Patron Link: Guy’s Patreon Link

Ko-Fi Link: Guy’s Ko-Fi Link

PayPal Link: Guy’s PayPal Link

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