When dealing with clients, it’s essential to appear professional at all times and the documents you send matter a lot. Sending offers, quotes or contracts as PDF files instead of a Word documents makes them easier to open and helps you make a good impression. So if you are going to be sending documents to clients and business partners, it would be a great idea to convert them to a PDF. And contrary to popular belief, converting Word documents to PDF files is actually really easy to do thanks to services like pdf2doc.
So let me outline the three largest advantages of doing so:
1. Presents You as a Caring Professional
First of all, getting a nice-looking PDF from a business makes a much better impression than getting a Word file that you could have easily created yourself. Most people believe creating a file like that is difficult and requires special knowledge, so getting one is always impressive. It shows that the businesses is dedicated to their brand and are willing to put in some extra effort to get things right. It’s no secret that offers sent as a PDF instead of a Microsoft Word .doc file get a higher response and conversion rates. This is the case because they imply that the sender has put in more effort, time and care into the proposal, so the client is likely to draw the unconscious conclusion that they would show the same attitude towards their product or service. And they usually do.
Presenting yourself in the best light possible to any prospects, clients or partners is essential and using a more reputable file format does make a real difference.
2. Files Are Easier to Open on Any Device
Conveying your professionalism is great but it is not the only benefit. In order for someone to be able to open a .doc file or a .docx Word file, they need special software. While most people have MS Office or Open Office installed on their computer, many people on mobile would struggle with those files. And as mobile usage is booming, this is an important factor as a huge number of business people check their emails on the go. Most smartphones come with a PDF reader of some sort preinstalled while most lack an app that could handle Word files. And surveys show that a significant portion of smartphone users do not bother with installing additional software or lack the simple skills to do so. That is why you should keep things as simple and seamless as possible for your clients by sending them a clear easy to open and read PDF file.
3. The Client Cannot Make Changes Easily
Besides being convenient and presentable, PDFs cannot be altered by regular users unless they have access to special editing software. This means that at least 99% of the people you are working with will be able to only view the document without making any alterations. This is especially useful for contracts and official offers, because there can hardly be any mix-ups and misunderstanding. When you open a Word file in a piece of software that can edit it, it is not impossible to delete a zero by mistake and save which would lead to a very unpleasant meeting in the future. So PDF files are cleaner, easier to read and most importantly look exactly the way you designed them to look and the client cannot make any alterations or use them for their own purposes other than the one you have specified inside the file. This means that it will always be safer for you to be sending files like that instead of the easily alterable Word files.
So How Do I Convert My Documents to PDF files?
PDF files are scary and most people are left under the impression that only professional designer know how to handle and generate them well. That could not be further from reality thanks to doc2pdf. They have a nifty little tool that you can download for free that would allow you to convert your Word files to PDFs before you send them out. It’s as easy as that! You just create your regular doc file and then just convert that so what you send is easy to open and makes you look even more professional. Using pdf2doc is easy and the results are perfect.
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