MyMac Podcast 200 – Our 200th Weekly Episode

MyMac celebrates our 200th weekly podcast episode this week with a super-sized episode. We kick off the show with this week’s Apple event news, including the new iPod Nano and iTunes 8. Then our focus shifts to the question: What three applications would you want on your Mac on a deserted island? Participating are Tim Robertson, David Cohen, Guy Serle, Sam Levin, Lee Givens, John Nemo, Rich Lefko, and Neale Monks.

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TurboTune – Review

Macally’s TurboTune speakers pack a big punch in a small package. For $29.99 you get pocket size stereo speakers for you iPod or anything else with an audio jack that has great sound quality.

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Fashioning Technology: A DIY Intro to Smart Crafting – Book Review

Crafting has been a part of my life since the first "paint by numbers" kit I got for Christmas when I was a kid. There was a time in my mid twenties when I was hooked on assembling Radio Shack kits. I’ve embroidered, knitted, crocheted, beaded, and made doilies and jellies and jams. Naturally I was drawn to this title, wanting to see what the future of crafting is all about.

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MyMac FIRST LOOK – Photoshop Lightroom 2.0

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2.0 is a digital image cataloging application for serious amateur and professional photographers. Lightroom is a tool that allows users to import, manage, process, print, and share digital photos.

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BudFits – Review

I know that there are a lot of iPod users out there that still use the earbuds that came with their iPod either because they just like the earbuds or they haven’t found anything better to use. For those of you still using Apple’s earbuds and are into physical fitness, then mosey on over to the InnoVelis website and check out BudFits.

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MyMac Podcast 199 – Brian Head Welch

Host Tim Robertson interviews ex-Korn guitarist and now solo artist Brian Head Welch about using a Mac and his upcoming album, Save Me From Myself. Later, Lee Givens, Guy Serle, David Cohen, Tim, and Bill Palmer talk all things Apple.

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IRIScan Executive 2 – Review

The advancement of technology is a wonderful thing, particularly in the field of consumer electronics. Not only do devices get cheaper and more functional as time goes on, but they develop wonderful new capabilities.

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The Ultimate HTML Reference – Book Review

This book replaced Taylor’s Creating Cool HTML 4 Web Pages book as my primary HTML reference at home and at the office. It’s well worth the 45 dollar price-tag. I can only find fault with the fact that it doesn’t have enough chunks of sample HTML and illustrations of how the HTML will render.

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NAJA for 3g iPod nano

The NAJA is a soft flexible coil with a bracket at the top to hold your iPod nano. The idea is to use the NAJA to hold your nano rather than hold your nano in your hand. I guess. I’m not really sure? The crux of the problem with the NAJA – it falls over, a lot.

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