Hemera Photo-Objects 50,000 Vol. II
Premium Image Collection
Company: Hemera Technologies
Price: $99.99
It was only a few months ago that I reviewed Hemera Photo-Objects 50,000 Vol. I and gave the huge, next generation Clip-Art package a solid 4 out of 5 MacMice rating. Already, I have the new version Hemera Photo-Objects 50,000 volume II, and I am forced to try and say something else I did not cover in the first review.
My impression of Hemera Photo-Objects 50,000 Volume II is about the same as Volume 1. It is a nice collection of images, which will fill many of your needs. As the name suggests, there are actually more than 50,000 photos on the accompanying 8 CD-ROMs. That is a lot of images.
You can export images from 72 dpi up to 300 dpi. You can also adjust the size (in inches, pixels, or centimeters) though the default size is at 100% Exporting at a larger size will not yield larger, distortion free images, even though you are exporting at 300 dpi.
Hemera has done a much better job in Volume 2 than they did in volume 1 in one particular important respect: images were saved using much better masking than in the original set. The masking around many images in volume 1 was rough. Many lines showed some jaggedness around images. And while the same is true for some images in volume 2, most images are in much better ready to use condition.
For the most part, simple reread my review of volume one. The PhotoFonts application, as well as the photo-objects search window, is the same.
One really nice feature is the ability to combine both Volume one and two inside one photo-objects search window. Rather than having two applications, two search applications, Hemera Photo-Objects 50,000 Volume II combines both into one easy repository. By combining both volumes, I am now searching a total of 100,226 images. (Your cost for both volumes would be less than $200) That, my friends, are a lot of images.
All in all, Hemera Photo-Objects 50,000 Volume II is a very nice collection of images. You will find something for everyone in the eight CD volumes that make up the collection.
System Requirements: PowerMac, 32MB of RAM, Mac OS 8.6 or higher (Not Mac OS X Native) 115MB HD space. Also compatible with Windows: Pentium 120MHz or better, 32MB RAM, Windows 95/98/ME/NT 4.0/2000. 115MB HD space.
MacMice Rating: 4 out of 5
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