Dear Comrade…

Zumwalter here. Do not forget the Committee meeting tonight, my brother. Your presence is required.

Things continue to go very well for our worldwide domination of business, industry, and all of the remaining holdout governments and freedom factions. Our success is at hand! Long live the State!

As you know our quest began when our parent company and its glorious First Chairman succeeded in taking over the interface of every computer on earth. His magnificent plan dictated that he succeed in shutting out, absorbing, or taking over every other software application in existence. Even the powerful government that existed at the time could not sway him from his dominance!

His plan and its execution was most wonderful to watch and to anticipate, Comrade! Once he had succeeded in gaining control of every computer’s operating system, and once his software was the only software that anyone could use, it was only a small step for our secret organization to begin to control and monitor every computer User.

Fortunately for us, almost the whole planet was using computers by then. Therefore we gained control of every business too. Then we gained total control over every governmental agency. Finally, we were totally successful in controlling all the militaries, which were by then totally wired up to our computers and dependent on our support and upgrades.

So then the final step of going public and creating the One World Order was very small and hardly noticed by anyone at the time.

You know our history too, don’t you, Comrade? They taught it to of you in school since you were a little boy in the Home Guard.

However, being an old man, I love to rhapsodize about it, for it is such an amazing thing! Here was a world bound in decadent freedom of thought and action. It was chaos everywhere. Everyone did as they pleased. Even businesses acted out of their own dictates of commerce and free trade. It was horrible! No world should be run that way! Think of the waste!

But once our First Chairman gained a complete monopoly of computing, then of entertainment, and then of the news media, things began to go our way once more, as it did in our past control of the Motherland.

People did as they were told. They began to act and function in lockstep with the subtle dictates of our First Chairman’s view of the world. Soon his messages and his speeches, which everyone got through the media he controlled, began to cause people to change, and to fear being different for any reason.

He was such a genius at this, making every item on his agenda politically correct! “Difference is bad. Conformity is good,” he would say. Or the way he made his freedom loving enemies look bad-“Open Source is evil. One Source Compliant Software will save us all.”

Why, he even secretly supported the Hague Treaty of 2002, which stopped most of the freedoms people enjoyed on the Internet!

-Wonderful stuff, right Comrade?

It was also fortunate for us that our First Chairman was so attuned to our thoughts and ideas, so that when we gained control over him, his message and his plan for worldwide dominance really took off!

You know, you should go and listen to his speeches! He was so awesome to listen to, and to watchÐeven in his little ways of seeking to dominate how people did their work on their computers, or even how they looked for their files,Ðhe was a real master!

-You know, it is too bad that the Commissar of the Committee decided to eliminate him. After him, all the other leaders seemed soÐdisconnected with the things of the world. You know? They do not have the penchant for micro management that he did… (delete denied by this computer system- you are being watched!)

So, Comrade! Be sure to dress well for the meeting tonight. I am so happy that the jackboots I ordered have finally arrived! I will be wearing them tonight with my uniform. Be sure to look for me! I will see you there, and you will stay for the program and book burning afterwards, am I not right, Comrade?

Best regards, Zumwalter, Third Commissioner of the Western Pacific Prolitat, Fifteenth Bureau.

Roger Born

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